American citizen found dead in Sinaloa, Mexico


In Culiacán, Sinaloa, an American citizen reported missing since March 28 was found dead.

The individual was identified as Larry Allen Turner, 69 years old and of American nationality. He was last seen in the Prados del Sol neighborhood of Mazatlán while driving his motorcycle, as indicated in the file issued by the State Search Commission.

The discovery by the authorities was reported on the night of Tuesday, April 9, on a dirt road near the town of Tepuche, municipality of Culiacán, Sinaloa.

The body in an advanced state of decomposition of American citizen Larry Allen Turner was found next to a crashed motorcycle.

Among the belongings found next to the body was a receipt from a pawn shop in the name of Larry Allen Turner.

The remains found at the scene suggest that the deceased lost control of his motorcycle and collided with a barbed wire fence, however, it will be the Prosecutor’s Office authorities who will determine the real cause of his death.

Source: Milenio

The Mazatlan Post