AMLO Gov Blocks bank accounts of creators of the Populism series in Latin America


It seems that the freedom of expression won by the opposition parties has just been lost

After the tantrum made by the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for his appearance in the documentary series “Populism in Latin America”, on Wednesday the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) was ordered to block the bank accounts of Alejandro Quintero Íñiguez and Jesús Alejandro Quintero Íñiguez for financing and creating this series.

And is that since last Friday Santiago Niet or, owner of the FIU, was prepared to file a complaint in the Specialized Prosecutor for the Attention of Electoral Crimes (Fepade) with the argument of a supposed “black campaign” against Obrador.

According to the FIU, Alejandro Quintero received 47 million 900 thousand pesos in 2017 from the Information and Analysis Projects SA of CV for the realization of the audiovisual, damaging the image of the president.

Because the investigation is open, the list of participants in the documentary that their accounts would have blocked could increase in the following days.

Source: el financiero, mientras tanto en mexico, la otra opinion

The Mazatlan Post