Mazatlan’s International Motorcycle Week 2023 dates selected


The organizers of the 2023 International Motorcycle Week are already in talks with the bands that will perform at the great event

MAZATLAN. – The most important biker event in all of Mexico will return to the scene in Mazatlán with the International Motorcycle Week 2023, which is estimated to take place in the port from April 12 to 16, which will bring great surprises for lovers of this event.

This Tuesday morning, the Advisory Council of the International Motorcycle Week held an open-door meeting with the mayor of Mazatlán, Édgar Augusto González Zataráin, as well as the Senior Officer, Verenice Oleta Benítez, to reaffirm the commitments between both parties and hold a first world event.  

Jesús Tirado Camacho, director of the International Motorcycle Week, reported that on this occasion they will seek to overcome the more than 700 million pesos of economic income that this event left in its last edition, where more than 15 thousand motorcycles attended to live the maximum party of the “horses of steel”. 

“Every year we are working to increase the number of visitors, it is a commitment from us together with the authorities to make it a healthy and clean event, it is a big event, it is the second most important event in Mazatlan, after Carnival” , said.

He shared that the last edition was moved from the Sams parking lot to the Convention Center

“The conditions that existed there were no longer very suitable or safe for people, and the motorcyclists went to the Convention Center and had the biker forum and it had a very good response from all the attendees,” he explained. 

He stressed that moving the event to the Convention Center came to help increase the capacity.

He stated that this party, according to the figures provided by Sedectur, has managed to position itself as the second most important event in Mazatlan, due to the impact it has internationally, where motorcyclists roll from other countries to experience the great party.

For his part, Mayor Édgar González Zataráin reaffirmed his full support for this party to take place.

“We have come to contribute in every way, we have to see how the event will be, how we coordinated in a good way, the last edition we supported Paulo with the event we were supporting at all times and pending that everything was fine and nothing changes “, he claimed. 

Beach party

One of the most anticipated scenarios of the International Motorcycle Week is undoubtedly that of the Beach Party, which is organized by Paulo Orozco, who has dedicated a large part of his life to carrying out this type of event.

Orozco commented that the organization has already started and will tentatively take place in the same area as last time.

“I have just made an alliance with 16 Mexican motorcycle and car builders who will be present at the event, in what is the Motorcyle Beach Party, there will be local groups and renowned bands that will be surprises,” he said. 

He commented that in the last edition, held in 2022, 7,000 people and 3,000 motorcycles registered, during three intense days of emotions where tattoo, motorcycle tuning, and bikini contests take place.