The Secretary of Health, Cuitláhuac González Galindo, reported that there are 1,900 active cases, of which 19 are hospitalized.
MAZATLAN. – The Ministry of Health confirmed the fifth wave due to the increase in cases with Covid-19 that have arisen in Sinaloa in recent days, reporting approximately 1,900 active cases, of which 19 are hospitalized.
Secretary Cuitláhuac González Galindo mentioned that, although hospital occupation is minimal, cases are increasing, therefore, a reinforcement of health protocols is needed, mainly in closed spaces.
“Officially we are in a fifth wave, we have five weeks that are increasing, but what we have to maintain is precisely the care, we are going to strengthen prevention, Coepriss has been very intense throughout the state,” he declared.
The state official broke down that, in the hospitals that correspond to the Ministry of Health, they have a report of three patients, of them, a minor admitted to the Pediatric Hospital, due to congenital lung disease; in the rest of the medical units, IMSS or ISSSTE, they have a report of 19 inpatients.
Measures? He replied that they are the same, mandatory use of face masks in closed spaces, offices, schools, restaurants, shopping malls, and shops, among others; the healthy distance and the temperature shots, which, he confessed last week, were lightening up.
“Yes, there is an increase, but fortunately the spread and the virus are not conditioning those characteristics of the disease that we had before, where there were many serious cases. Also, we have no mortality,” he said.
What about the schools?
González Galindo pointed out that he is in constant coordination with the Ministry of Public Education and Culture, since, since the closure of a classroom was announced due to a positive case, it was already an alarm, even having 50 percent of the classrooms, is already considered enough to close a school.
“The fact of having 50 percent of classrooms is already enough to close a school, the measures are regulated, of course the Secretary of Education is aware of the plan and if school closures are carried out, it is because they are complying with these criteria,” he said.
Tania Clarissa López Medina, IMSS delegate in Sinaloa, reported that, in her institutions, there is a report of 16 hospitalized patients, of which only 1 is on a ventilator; Of this total, 13 are in Culiacán, 1 in Mazatlán, and 2 in Los Mochis.