The Secretary of Economy of Sinaloa traveled to Phoenix, Arizona to talk with tourist and industrial authorities.
MAZATLAN. – For Javier Gaxiola Coppel, Secretary of Economy in Sinaloa, the fact that Mazatlan has a territorial proximity to Phoenix, Arizona is an opportunity that the port cannot miss, due to the large number of industries that are in the area and to be one of the cities with great economic and population development in the United States.
He explained that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the industries suffered the effects of having a dependency on labor and supplies from the Asian continent, so, to avoid another stoppage in their production, they are bringing that production to America. .
And that is where Mazatlán and the rest of Sinaloa come in, to ensure a young and productive workforce.
He explained that without a doubt there will be situations in which the United States operates, but other jobs in which it can help, such as the supply chain, can be worked in Sinaloa.
“We are their best complement in all the manufacturing that they are bringing. Here we are a thousand kilometers below, we have a train from Mazatlán or Topolobampo to carry merchandise. We have youth, trained and hard-working people; simply the economic analysis is very simple, over there 100 dollars is enough for a supermarket and here it is enough for several days, here it yields more”.
Not only industry but also tourism
During his visit to Phoenix, he met with Sandra Watson, Secretary of Economic Development and Tourism of the city, where issues were also addressed of making it possible for its inhabitants to visit Mazatlan to generate an important economic benefit.

For example, he said that Mazatlan has many advantages over other tourist destinations in the United States. In what sense? For example, the distance, leaves California at a complete disadvantage, due to everything that the Pearl of the Pacific offers in terms of hotels, tourist attractions, gastronomy, and fun.
“We want Mazatlan to be the beach for Arizona, it’s that easy; I say to those in Phoenix, let’s see you get on a plane and in two hours you can be enjoying one of the most beautiful sunsets in the Pacific, enjoying a margarita; we have to be the Arizona beach.”

The state official mentioned that the state that has the most connection with Phoenix is Sonora, a connection that they want to match or improve in the coming years.