Mazatlan Semana Santa 2022: What are the expectations?


This holiday period will be from Sunday, April 10 to 16.

MAZATLAN. – After Carnival, the bar gets higher and higher in the tourist sector of the port.

Now, for the Holy Week season, the Ministry of Tourism expects approximately 90 percent of hotel occupancy.

The Secretary of Tourism, María del Rosario Torres Noriega, pointed out that they maintain good expectations for this next vacation period, which will be held in April.

“We are going to work with everyone involved on that, obviously we have very, very high expectations that we are going to reach 85 to 90 percent hotel occupancy,” he said.

The state official mentioned that with the help of different sectors such as hotel associations and business chambers, they will work on the issue of health permanently and in coordination with the federation, the state and the municipality, above all, so that it is a safe and reliable destination.  

“We are going to be working in a coordinated manner and obviously with organized society,” he commented.

He also pointed out that for this next long weekend, they expect to have up to 80 percent hotel occupancy, which will surely be exceeded at Easter due to all the cultural events that will come hand in hand with the holidays.

Invite to the Spring Equinox

Torres Noriega took the opportunity to invite citizens to the spiritual event that will take place this coming Monday in Las Labradas to welcome spring.


The Mazatlan Post