How students of Mexico can become better at Physics


We will explain to you how students of Mexico can become better at physics. These are such basic things that, in my opinion, can help in education, and not only physics but also a successful professional in any other field, not even related to science.

When studying physics, many students perceive it as a difficult and confusing discipline. If you study it as a system, practice constantly, and know a service where you can always get physics homework help, it will be simple and even interesting.

The first principle

The first principle: you need to be able to clearly express your thoughts, convey them to the addressee as clearly as possible. This is especially important for a student because a significant part of his or her work is writing and abstracting scientific articles. If you do not state clearly the results of your experiment – consider it did not exist at all. How can you even learn how to write good articles and clearly express what is in your head?

Let’s use an example. How did it usually happen? A student writes an article. He or she brings it to a teacher. The teacher, of course, criticizes first. Sometimes it can happen in a very harsh form – so that you, poor young creature, feel very bad. But, by having the teacher’s comments, the student can quickly understand and see the things that he or she was unable to express, what he or she did not disclose correctly or not fully, why it happened.

The second principle

From the first principle, the second one follows: it is best to study by personal example. Never stop studying physics. Do all the calculations for the experiments yourself. Let it be in a simplified form, but calculate the first stages in order to understand whether there is an optimal solution or not and to correctly pose the problem. And then get engaged in complex, sophisticated calculations. Not all students who study physics will remain active scientists. It is important for you to constantly engage in research. This approach – learning by example – is useful to extend to not only writing scientific articles and solving physics problems. It works well in life. It seems to me that this is the only way to teach yourself not to give up whatever may happen.

Albert Einstein

The third principle

It would seem that this is also a simple and banal thing, but I still say: in no case should you deceive yourself! Consider this situation as an example. The student gets an interesting and important result that fits well with a certain hypothesis. Naturally, he or she wants to publish it as soon as possible, share it with colleagues. But at this stage, you need to be more careful – you cannot immediately be satisfied with the obtained conclusion and its agreement with certain ideas and hypotheses. A student needs to be critical of his or her results; always subject them to careful analysis, all kinds of rechecking, and only after making sure that they have passed these tests, accept and publish them. This was the case with the first direct registration of gravitational waves by LIGO detectors. On September 14, 2015, scientists saw a signal with a characteristic shape. It seemed to leave no doubt that the signal was precisely from the merging of black holes. But only at the end of January 2016, after numerous checks, the researchers from LIGO convinced themselves that this was not an influence of random factors, not an artifact, and sent an article about this discovery to the journal Physical Review Letters.

The fourth principle

Another postulate: in order to grow, you need to take on tasks that currently seem insurmountable. This is the only way to stir up interest, scientific passion and ensure constant development. It is good when a person does not see the ceiling, is drawn to something greater, and, as a rule, reaches new heights.

Follow these principles, and you will become better at physics. Good luck!

The Mazatlan Post