Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The Mazatlán Roads and Transportation Delegation values the possibility that the service will be denied to any tourists who do not wear face masks and do not keep a healthy distance, mainly in charioteers.
The measure is part of the surveillance supervision implemented by the municipality, during and after the Easter holiday period, which begins on March 28.
José Carrillo Vallejo stated that the actions are intended to avoid risks of coronavirus infections since there are thousands of people who come to vacation during Semana Santa.

The massive arrival of tourists has led the state agency to accentuate the measures of the sanitary protocols that have been established since March of last year.
The state official regretted that many tourists are reluctant to comply with the actions to counteract the Covid-19, such as the use of the facemask.
Although it is contemplated that tasi drivers should deny the service to users who do not wear face masks, even when this measure could affect their profits. “We are evaluating how convenient it is to apply that measure,” he concluded.
Source: Debate