Covid-19 rebound expected in Baja California Sur for holidays


The Ministry of Health in Baja California Sur warned of an increase in the downward curve of infections that it had registered and warned of a probable rebound in the coming days, as the holiday period and Christmas holidays approach.

At a press conference, the head of epidemiology of the SSA, Jovan Luna Carballo, reported that according to the registry of cases in the current week 47, of 341 cases, a rebound is perceived, for which he alerted the population to reduce the maximum possible coexistence and mass meetings. 

He added that in the local analysis it is considered that BCS began to register cases a month after the contagions began in various entities, and given the rebound that has already occurred in other areas, he pointed out that BCS would then have an increase in the coming days. . 

“In other states, they have made decisions that have increased the number of cases and we are taking that teaching to make decisions and establish protocols. It is important that citizens consider that these Christmas holidays do not increase coexistence,” he insisted. 

For his part, the Secretary of Health, Víctor George Flores, agreed that they see an upturn as in the rest of the entities and that until now BCS has remained down. 

“We are calculating an increase in hospitalizations that could worsen if we do not have a conscience and if we do not apply ourselves to take care of ourselves. Perhaps because we saw optimistic figures it was believed that the situation was not urgent, but it is important that at this moment people take care of themselves more than before, “he stated. 

The official insisted on the population not to relax prevention measures, since weeks of preparations are coming for the December family gatherings, an influx in squares, shopping centers, and restaurants, gift shopping, among other activities, in places where they could infections arise if protocols are not followed. 

“We are in time to stop a situation that could worsen,” he said. 

To date, BCS remains on a yellow traffic light and, according to the SSA registry, presents a total of 14 thousand 30 accumulated cases of Covid-19 , of which 12 thousand 780 have been recovered. 700 deaths have been reported and 550 confirmed cases remain active. 

Separately, Governor Carlos Mendoza Davis reported that the State Health Safety Committee agreed to strengthen preventive strategies during this holiday season, in order to avoid the rebound and reiterated the call for citizen participation.


The Cabo Post