In order to promote the attractions of the municipality of Angostura, the Secretary of State Tourism, Óscar Pérez Barros, and the President of that municipality, Aglaeé Montoya, announced in a press conference the First Festival of La Jaiba to be held on August 17, from 5:00 p.m.

Pérez Barros highlighted the benefits of tourism, the advancement in tourism infrastructure that has been taking place during the current state administration.

He emphasized rescuing the attractions of all municipalities.
In Angostura there is Colorada Beach, La Reforma, and Santa María Bay, highlighting fishing as its main activity.

They have an exquisite cuisine, and its beach is a meeting place on weekends in the nearby communities of the municipalities of Salvador Alvarado, Mocorito and Culiacán.

Likewise, Pérez Barros announced together with the President of Angostura, that they will look for the Magic Bay badge for the municipality of Angostura.

For its part, Montoya said that this August 17 there will be a gastronomic sample of dishes made from Jaiba mainly, without neglecting shrimp, oysters, clams, and fish.

The opening will be in charge of recognized Angostura Dance Academy with a modern music box.
All the regional state Moto Clubs are special guests; headed by the Moto Club Gargoyles of Culiacán, to make shots to the place of the event.

For all Sinaloenses, they issued an invitation to enjoy and learn about the beauty of Angostura. As well as attracting visitors and trigger economic spills in the Municipality.
What is Jaiba

Jaibas are Portunid crustaceans, which inhabit coastal lagoons, estuaries, estuaries and the coastal area, both in the Atlantic and Pacific. In the Mexican Pacific, the callinectes genus crab are represented by three species: Callinectes arcuatus , Callinectes bellicosus and Callinectes toxotes and constitute an important economic fishing resource for riparian fishermen (30). They have a complex life cycle that includes planktonic, nectonic and benthic stages that are carried out in lagoon systems and in the marine zone (30). The species of the genus Callinectesthey are mainly opportunistic carnivores, predators of mollusks and crustaceans, in some cases they feed on carrion and there are records of cannibalism (33). Juveniles can feed at night or in the morning and their diet is varied: gastropod molluscs, bivalve molluscs, crustaceans, fish, plant material and other jaibas (13). Jaibas have primary sexual dimorphism; the males have the inverted “T” shaped abdomen and the females have the upper part of the abdomen triangular and sealed to the body, and the immature females have it rounded.

C. arcuatus is found from Los Angeles, California, EU, to Mollenda, Peru and Galapagos Island, in estuaries and coastal lagoon systems, as well as in coastal marine waters, on muddy, mud-sandy bottoms and mud mixed with conchuela. It is very tolerant of salinity variations, being regularly in salinity waters that vary between 1% and 65%. It migrates to the mouths of the lagoon-estuarine systems and coastal marine waters during the rainy season.
C. bellicosus inhabits southern California, USA, in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico, including the Gulf of California; It lives in sandy bays and coastal lagoons, generally in clear waters of salinities close to or equal to that of seawater (between about 30% and 38%), from the intertidal zone to about 20 m. deep During the hot season it performs limited migrations to deeper waters.
C. toxotes inhabits from the southern Gulf of California to Colombia. It lives in coastal lagoons and estuaries at depths of up to 30 m. generally in salinity waters less than 30%, but tolerates variations from 0 to 55%.

For more info click DATAMARES
Source: pmxportal, datamares, sectur
The Mazatlan Post