The rescue of the Convent of San José de Gracia in Orizaba Veracruz begins


Orizaba Veracruz

With an investment of almost 20 million federal funds, the restoration, and conservation work of the former convent begins

The tourist tours to the ex-convent of San José de Gracia were suspended and the building closed due to the fact that restoration work on this historic space has already begun.

Exconvento de San José de Gracia, atractivo turístico en Orizaba - El Sol  de México

There will be an investment of 19 million 600 thousand pesos, with resources from the Federal Ministry of Culture. The works to be carried out are for the restoration and conservation of this historic property.

The director of Human Development, Fernando Trueba Coll, said that because the work has already started, any access to the property is suspended, including tourist tours.

Foto de Ex Convento de San José de Gracia, Orizaba: Exconvento de San José  de Gracia - Tripadvisor

The Tourism staff who attended the visitors on the tours has already been withdrawn because now the property will be in charge of the Public Works department.

Since last October 7, the property was closed in its entirety and is being vacated so that Public Works can work on the restoration project.

The works include the restoration of the mezzanines and 82 rooms to give support to the walls, and knots will also be created that will give the building sustainability, as well as the change of the roof.

Ex Convento de San José de Gracia

They have three months to carry out all these works, since the resource to be used corresponds to the year 2020.

En Orizaba recuperarán el edificio del Exconvento de San José de Gracia |  MÁSNOTICIAS

Once the remodeling, restoration and conservation works have been completed, the space will be used for cultural activities.

Comenzó tramitación de permisos ante el INAH para rescate de ex convento -  El Sol De Orizaba

The official clarified that only this space is the one that will remain closed and it is due to a situation of works that are going to be carried out. The rest of the tourist attractions are still open.


Veracruz Daily Post