Guaymas, to convert Navy ship into an artificial reef and diving site in the Sea of ​​Cortez


Hermosillo, Sonora. The Tourism Promotion Commission (Cofetur) reported that it is working in coordination with authorities of the Mexican Navy to condition one of its vessels and in the near future submerge it in the waters of the Sea of ​​Cortés in Guaymas – San Carlos, in support of the ecosystem and as a tourist attraction for the region.

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The coordinator of Cofetur, Luis Núñez Noriega, explained that with this, in addition to reinforcing the care of the marine ecosystem in this area by creating an artificial reef, tourists and visitors looking for new destinations and adventure attractions in the entity will be attracted.

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“We were in a meeting with the president of the Senate Tourism Commission, Senator Antonio García Conejo, there we made the official request for a disused Navy ship to be sunk in the area for the good of the ecosystem but also of our sector ”, he expressed.

Núñez Noriega reported that the last steps are currently being taken with the Secretariat of the Navy and its secretary José Rafael Ojeda Durán, with the commander of the Guaymas military naval zone, Admiral José Tomás Jorge Tress Zilly, municipal authorities and representatives of the tourism sector in the region.

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Núñez Noriega stressed that this will generate new spaces for the conservation of marine species, in addition, more options will be opened for marine exploration and diving.

The Sonora Post