Quintana Roo continues with a yellow traffic light, but they warn of a risk of a re-outbreak of Covid infections

The level of coronavirus infections remains at less than one, both in the north and south of the state

Quintana Roo remains in the yellow color of the epidemiological risk traffic light due to the Covid-19 pandemic for the week of September 28 to October 4. However, there is a possible risk of a relapse of coronavirus infections.

The governor of the state, Carlos Joaquín González, revealed that the municipalities of the northern zone will continue in the yellow color of the traffic light, but warned that they present an upward trend in the number of infections.

He said that the risk of infections in the northern area of ​​Quintana Roo is less than one: 0.84, which is considered worrying in the face of a possible outbreak of Covid infections .

Epidemiological risk traffic light for the week of September 28 to October 4 in the northern zone.

The same situation arose for the municipalities of the southern area : they remain in the yellow color of the traffic light, however the level of infections, although it remains below one, the index no longer falls as in previous weeks.

Epidemiological risk traffic light for the week of September 28 to October 4 in the southern region.

When will Quintana Roo be on a green traffic light?

The state governor also answered one of the questions that he had been asked several times: when will Quintana Roo arrive at the green traffic light.

The president said that for the northern or southern areas of the state to turn green, the level of infections must reach 0.5 or less. 

Covid-19 cases in Quintana Roo as of September 25

September 25, the following are registered:

  • 11 thousand 603 positive cases of Covid-19,
  • 1,623 related deaths,
  • 8,862 people recovered,
  • 8 thousand 146 negative cases, and
  • 632 cases under study.

What activities can be done according to the colors of the traffic light?

Red.- Only essential economic activities will be allowed, and people will also be allowed to go out for a walk around their homes during the day.

Orange.- In addition to essential economic activities, companies of non-essential economic activities will be allowed to work with 30% of the personnel for their operation, always taking into account the maximum care measures for people with a greater risk of presenting a serious picture of COVID-19, open public spaces will be opened with a reduced capacity (number of people).

Yellow.- All work activities are allowed, taking care of people with the highest risk of presenting a serious picture of COVID-19. Open public space opens regularly, and closed public spaces can be opened with reduced capacity. As in other traffic light colors, these activities must be carried out with basic preventive measures and maximum care for people with a higher risk of presenting a serious picture of COVID-19.

Green.- All activities are allowed, including school ones.

Source: sipse.com

The Cancun Post