Chihuahua accepts that the UN intervenes in water conflict


The government of the state of Chihuahua reported that it accepts the intervention of an external body, as was said at the time about one of the United Nations (UN), to verify and publicly expose the strictly technical data that have been derived by the famous water treaty between Mexico and the United States.

Through a statement, the Chihuahua authority regretted that the federal government, instead of guiding a solution to the current problem due to the water treaty, only lengthens the conflict, in which the most affected would be the Chihuahuan producers.

Chihuahua asks for a solution to the water treaty with the United States

The government of Chihuahua reiterated its call for dialogue with the corresponding authorities of our country to sustain a way of dialogue that helps to solve the current problem that exists due to the water treaty, which involves sending the liquid to the neighboring country to the north and which would imply serious risks for production and farmworkers.

“In order not to generate a useless and exhausting controversy, the head of the National Water Commission, Blanca Jiménez Cisneros, as well as the officials of the federal agencies involved, are once again invited to a working meeting, and be it the offices in Mexico City, or if you prefer to come and find out first-hand about the reality that is suffered in the region in order to collate, in a constructive dialogue, the figures of both parties. “

Government of Chihuahua.

On the other hand, and in relation to this same issue, the Federalist Alliance that integrates the states of Jalisco, Nuevo León, Durango, Tamaulipas, Michoacán, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Coahuila, and Colima, issued a position in support of the People’s struggle and the Government of Chihuahua in view of the inconveniences that have arisen from the water treaty.

All the governors of the Alliance signed a document in which they demanded from the Government of Mexico respect for the sovereignty of the State of Chihuahua and its authorities, as well as the end of the permanent disqualification of those who defend water from dams.


The Chihuahua Post