Formation of hurricane ‘Fausto’, could pass through Sinaloa


It is predicted that during the first days of next week a natural phenomenon will be forming in the  Pacific Ocean that may touch the Sinaloan coast, warned the geophysicist,  Juan Espinosa Luna.

According to three numerical models used for weather forecasting, it is expected that a cyclone with the name of  “Fausto” will be formed on Tuesday, August 18.

He also indicated that according to the first of the three numerical models analyzed, the natural phenomenon would be moving in its trajectory during the coming week to enter the area of ​​the  Gulf of Mexico, and for Wednesday, August 19, touching the territory of Sinaloa.

“You have to be very vigilant, according to this model it goes to the area of ​​the two coasts and possibly goes to the Los Cabos area, affecting its rains both in  Sinaloa and  Baja California, ” he said.

The second model analyzed could have greater intensity, but could move away from the coasts of  Sinaloa,  two models that are feasible according to the humidity conditions that currently exist, so the evolution will have to be verified in the coming days.

This is because the second model would also affect Sinaloa with the first bands   for Thursday and later go to  the Pacific Ocean  and touch the coast of  Baja California.

As for the third model, a significant intensity is marked for Monday, forming on the coasts of  Jalisco, far from  Sinaloa, and without possible affectation.

It should be noted that despite the different trajectories, the formation of the hurricane in the coming days coincides, so everything indicates that it is present.


The Mazatlan Post