Culiacan, Mazatlan and Ahome enter critical phase due to lack of beds

June 1, 2020

The data released by the Ministry of Health indicate in its report on Friday 29, a hospital occupancy of 68 percent for the entire state, although in Culiacán and Mazatlán this figure is much higher, while Ahome presents a similar percentage.

The report indicates that these municipalities accumulate 74.45 percent of the beds available for patients with the virus and while the cases decrease according to the authority, the hospitals maintain an occupation of more than 72 percent in Culiacán and Mazatlán.

In the case of Mazatlán, 105 “Covid” beds have been enabled, according to the micro site of the Secretariat, of which 89 of them are occupied, that is, the port is at 85 percent of its hospital capacity with a cut-off until Friday 29.

And these figures become more relevant with the new patients that have emerged between May 21 and 28 in Mazatlán, which reaches 179 patients (26.84 percent), the largest among the three most important municipalities in Sinaloa in said lapse.

The hospital capacity to serve patients by Covid-19 in the port is about to reach 100 percent just at the culmination of the national day of healthy distance, and although the authority has insisted that it has the capacity to expand the number of beds, cases follow an upward trend in Mazatlán.

The last cut indicates that the IMSS and ISSSTE hospitals in the port are at 93 and 90 percent of their capacity and those of the state at 90 percent.

In the case of Culiacán, according to Salud Sinaloa, there are 332 “Covid” beds until Friday the 29th, with 263 of them being occupied, a figure equivalent to 79 percent of their occupation. However, there is a notable discrepancy in the case of the Civil Hospital of Culiacán, named for the exclusive use of patient care. Initially, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel announced that it would have a capacity of 100 beds and to date the site reports only a capacity of 25 beds, all of them occupied.

Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel made the announcement on April 8, where he reported that there were then 247 beds enabled for the disease. Then the hospital occupation was 31.84 percent and two months away it has tripled.

In the case of federal hospitals, the ISSSTE has 53 beds enabled and 52 of them occupied, practically 100 percent, and the IMSS with 125 keeps 93 of them occupied, which means 74 percent.

However, one fact to take into account is that in Navolato there are only three beds enabled to treat patients with coronavirus, and this municipality has 34 active patients to date and it was at the start of the pandemic along with Culiacán one of the cities with higher incidence.

On the other hand, just on Thursday 28 the INSABI Covid-19 Hospital number 6 in Culiacán, known as the new General Hospital of Culiacán, and which will be operated by SEDENA with the participation of military and civilian personnel, the latter hired, was put into operation. by the Federal Unit to attend the contingency and these beds are not yet reflected in the statistics of the Ministry of Health.

In Ahome, practically all the cases have been concentrated in Los Mochis and in the mentioned period they accumulate 141 new patients, which means 21.14 percent of all those reported in the state.

In the entity, 105 beds were enabled, of which 71 are occupied, which means that they are at 68 percent of their capacity. The distribution of care has fallen to the IMSS hospital, which as of Friday 29, had 51 occupied beds, out of 61 available.

And with a three-month pandemic, in a span of 90 days Sinaloa registers 32.1 cases per day on average and joins as one of the entities at a red light for the return of activities.

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The Mazatlan Post