Angela Peralta Theatre: a 19th century opera house in the heart of Mazatlán


According to many, Mazatlán isn’t just about delicious food and scenic seaside vistas, but surprisingly, a great deal of culture, too. Case in point: the Angela Peralta Theatre, located in Old Mazatlán’s Plaza Machado.

City residents are very proud of their 19th century opera house, which was restored in the 1980s to host live performances. Visit now and it’ll be hard to believe that this grand building was just a parking garage before its renovation.

Angela Peralta Theatre

It was named after a Mexican opera singer who died in a yellow fever epidemic that swept through the city of Mazatlan in 1883. 

One TripAdvisor reviewer says it “was nice and cool in the theatre, a break from the midday heat. It was beautiful wood and detailed balconies.

There’s a gallery attached upstairs that has art and pictures of what the spot looked like before restoration, quite the accomplishment.”

Angela Peralta Theatre

You can tour the Teatro Ángela Peralta for about $2 USD; prices on performances vary. For more information, visit the official website.

Source: US Travel News World Report

The Mazatlan Post