In protest to not receive a response from the Federal Government to the request for attention to the fisheries and energy sector
Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- A blockade of the navigation channel of the port of Mazatlan with vessels of different companies that make up the Union of Shipowners of the Pacific Ocean Coast, is the one posed by the fishing sector on Tuesday.
Jesús Omar Lizárraga Manjarrez, president of the fishing organization, explained that the measure is taken based on the fact that there are several promises unfulfilled by the Federal Government, a situation that keeps the sector ‘on the canvas’ with a current mooring of boats over eighty percent.
“Make a mobilization of the vessels of the different fishing companies and cooperatives in the navigation channel, because now it already has a definitive answer to the solution of the fishing problem.”
The shipowner announced that in an agreement established by the actors of the fishing sector of the port, it was determined to radicalize protest actions, in order to obtain a definitive answer to the problems and demands of the productive sector by the federal authorities.
He announced that the meeting point will be the roundabout in front of Valentinos at noon, where after making his demonstration known they will depart to the navigation channel for the blockade.
Source: linea directa
The Mazatlan Post