With the collaboration of around 80 people, almost 400 kilograms of garbage were removed from the margins of the mouth of the Estero and the beach area
Mazatlan.- The first cleaning day of this 2020, organized by the Operator and Administrator of Beaches, was held this Saturday morning on the margins of the mouth of the Estero del Yugo and the beach area that borders that body of water , which constitutes one of the most important ecosystems of the municipality.
Around 80 people participated in the activity supporting the OAP team, among collaborators of agencies of the Government of Mazatlan, such as Ecology, Public Services, Jumapam, Aquarius, Imdem and Immujer, hotel staff such as El Cid and Pueblo Bonito, students of the UAS and members of Civil Associations such as Viva la Ola and Earth Balance.
The mouth of the Estero del Yugo, located in one of the accesses to the beach most visited by young people during the weekends, is an area that suffers a high impact of pollution, especially by the garbage generated by those who gather to consume intoxicating drinks In the place, much of the waste that accumulates are glass bottles, aluminum cans and cigarette butts.
Against this background, the Government of Mazatlan, headed by Chemist Benitez Torres, through the OAP, has been given the task of combining the efforts of authorities and organized civil society for the conservation of that ecosystem.
Virginia Ramírez, of the Environmental Education area of the OAP, said that in order to keep the area clean, it is necessary to implement, in addition to the clean-up days, a comprehensive program that includes the training and awareness of young people, surveillance, signage installation and garbage containers.
On this occasion, about 400 kilograms of garbage were collected, according to the final count, carried out once the waste was separated:
The collected:
1.2 kg of plastic
3 thousand 623 cigarette butts
161 kg of glass (bottles)
7.5 kg of aluminum
123 cover threads
6 straws
193.5 kg of other wastes such as unicel, disposable and garbage in general
9.9 kg of hazardous waste, mostly broken glass
Source: pmxportal
The Mazatlan Post