Memories of Water, a History of Sinaloa for the World


* Modern museum in Mazatlan

The governor of Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, accompanied by his wife Rosy Fuentes, president of the DIF, expressed their footprints (hands) at the Mazatlan Cultural Innovation Center as part of the “Memories of Water” “Memorias del Agua” exhibition, and expressed that promotional efforts Artistic and cultural like this, driven by Mrs. Pilar Artola de Salido, should be supported because part of the history of what Sinaloa is, in what will be a modern Mazatlan museum for the world.

Ordaz Coppel printed his hands based on plaster, to later be part of a sculpture in which 700 Sinaloenses have been summoned to participate.

It is the main piece that will be exhibited in this enclosure, as it is a vessel that will be the central axis of interaction with the public that attends Cicma, once it opens its doors next year.

In his message, the state president said that “it will be a museum of the Mazatlecos for the world, and this helps to reflect who we really are, so we can only be pleased, proud and excited about this initiative in favor of the culture, ”he said.

He recalled that this building, where the work of this Cultural Center is in process, was handed over as a loan to the Board of Trustees of Culture and Arts, for which he congratulated Mrs. Pilar Artola de Salido, president of this guild, for the work done.

“This transformation was very much needed in the Historic Center and with this work, which is a very good idea, which makes a difference and also makes the community participate, and that is what it is worth, as a Mazatlan museum, of the Mazatlecos for the world”.

Rivelino Moreno Valle, the creator of this work, said that the ship is a piece that encompasses the feeling of a state, and the 700 hands that will be placed along with it, will be the support of the boat illustrating how the history of Mazatlan, which is the past, memory and its history.

Men and women from all fields were taken into account, from the academic, business, industrial sector, as well as Mrs. Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz and Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel for their work, willingness and willingness to grow Sinaloa.

Source: sel

The Mazatlan Post