7 indigenous movements that demonstrate that not all of Mexico was “conquered”


When we think of the European invasion, we tend to believe that the fall of Tenochtitlan represents the end of the pre-Hispanic world and that it is then, from 1521, that the mestizo history of the current Mexican territory begins to be written.

However, the Mexica had forged a very powerful empire, but they were not the only ones who owned great domains, to the south the Mayans, on the Pacific coast the Purépecha, to the north the Chichimecas and in all directions extended great kingdoms that did not they accepted willingly the power that the Spaniards were trying to establish.

500 years have elapsed since the arrival of Hernán Cortés, but in reality, all of Mexico is united as a mestizo nation that accepts the cultural fabric that is reinforced day by day?

Not really, and to show you I tell you that Mexico does not have an official language because 62 languages ​​are spoken, yes, languages, not dialects as people tend to confuse or call native languages ​​to belittle them, there are also entire peoples with different forms of government to the rest of the country and a totally different way of seeing the world.

But not only that, but some movements have emerged in the native peoples in recent times, which to date refuse to accept the institutionalized Mexican government as a regulator of their way of life.

1. Zapatista movement

During the year of 1994, on the eve of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States, and Canada, some Mayan communities spoke out against the promises of modernity of the Mexican government, seeking to integrate as many native peoples as possible. to confront the government and its mismanagement that made these people the most marginalized in the country. Since then the Zapatistas have achieved their autonomy and despite the doubt that surrounds their movement today, it is well known that the federal government has no participation in its decisions as a movement, since they have their own educational system and government organization called “Los snails”.

2. Ayutla de los Libres

It is a municipality in the state of Guerrero, inhabited by Mixteco, Tlapanec and Afro-Mexicans in a system of self-government that was born out of the native movements of 1994 in the struggle for poverty, militarization, and insecurity. In this municipality, there are no political parties and the government obeys the customs and habits of their ancestors because they consider that the “partidocracia” is only an institutionalization of the plundering of native peoples that does not serve to direct the marginalized peoples to the last 500 years.

3. Aguas Blancas Massacre

In the year 1995, at the request of the peasant organization of the Sierra del Sur to the then governor of Guerrero to withdraw the police and the army from his community received a strong military deployment and some were massacred by the same police in a checkpoint leaving a balance of 17 dead and 23 seriously injured.

4. Slaughter of Acteal

It was a paramilitary incursion in the municipality of Chenalhó in the state of Chiapas in 1997, in which native Tzotzil members of the organization “Las abejas” were attacked inside a church, leaving 45 people dead, among which there were pregnant women and children. Why did they kill them? On that occasion, the government intimidated the “Las Abejas” organization, which strengthened and demanded justice for the state crimes committed against their community. In the end, the official version said that it had been a confrontation between peoples.

5. Disturbances of Atenco

In 2001, the then president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, announced the expropriation of some agricultural land in the Texcoco area, which initiated the mobilizations between several communities such as San Salvador Atenco, Tocuila, Nexquipayac, Acuexcomac, San Felipe and Santa Cruz de Abajo, who managed to get more support from other communities in the country. Before the growth of the movement, the members decided to go to the protest taking of the new governor of the State of Mexico to demand an answer to their demands, receiving everything in response to a confrontation with the police in which they detained the main leaders and of which emerged the Front of Peoples in Defense of the Earth, which is opposed to date to some efforts of the Mexican government

6. Showdown of Atlixco

In 2014, as a result of the abuse of power of the auxiliary president in San Diego Acapulco, when the president of the potable water well was removed from his post and placed one of his relatives, the inhabitants of that population considered it a lack of respect for their uses and customs and blocked a road in protest. As in the previous cases, the police did not wait and went to evict the place with violence. 20 wounded and the infantryman José Luis Alberto Tehuatlie Tamayo died after being shot with a rubber bullet by the police that broke his skull. The government in turn at the time argued that all action was carried out under the law.

7. Independence of Cherán

In 2011, tired of the mismanagement of the government and the fear caused by organized crime, the inhabitants of Cherán decided to expel all representatives of the federal government, including the municipal president, secretaries, government offices and political parties to take charge of the government of his people. Once the above was achieved, they instituted the government of their ancestors and practically achieved their independence and even today they are a world reference of utopia, since they have achieved achievements beyond those achieved by the first European world, so much so that they even receive constant visits from other municipalities and countries to learn this revolutionary and ancestral form of government.

Source: tuul.tv

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