Deteriorating Mazatlan Monuments


The damages that some monuments have received and the deterioration in their painting show a lack of care and vigilance of the authorities.


Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- During the laying of the first stone of the new Mar de Cortés Aquarium, the Chemist Benítez Torres promised that Mazatlán will house a new monument to the Beatles, that British band that during the 60s broke the world stage of the music; However, he did not mention the deterioration of the existing ones. 

Before these statements, a tour of the pier was made to reflect on whether Mazatlan needs a monument or resources should be used to maintain them.

From the particular to the general, the structure of the statues are shown well for the lenses and looks of people who point from a distance. But when approaching them the expressions of those who look at them can change due to carelessness.

Effigies made in metals and cement that enhance the culture pawpaw show some flaws in his painting, a detail that when approaching the photo highlight a certain abandonment on the part of the authorities.

Some statues urge their “maintenance” more than others. 

It is when you observe things like the greenish of the monument to Pedro Infante has taken with the sun and over time different tonalities, a mixture between rust and different types of green that make you see the camouflage of the military. So, for all the Malecón de Mazatlán, monuments such as El Pescador, Mazatleca Woman, The Continuity of Life, the Queen of the Seas, the Family and others, ask in a husky voice that the City of Mazatlan turn to them instead of giving them a New Companion.

Source: El Debate

The Mazatlan Post