According to the study, 68 of every 100 respondents consider that Sinaloa will do better during the administration of AMLO
Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Despite some controversial issues that the next president of Mexico has placed on the political agenda, citizen confidence, particularly the expectations of the Sinaloans, towards Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ) seems to remain intact, so much so that 68 of every 100 citizens surveyed by this publishing house consider that the six-year term that will begin on December 1 will be better than that of Enrique Peña Nieto, current president of Mexico.
The demographic study carried out from October 19 to 27, and in which 1015 surveys were applied in the five main municipalities (Ahome, Guasave, Salvador Alvarado, Culiacán and Mazatlán), confirms the citizen sympathy towards AMLO, since only a low 5.71 per One hundred thinks that the next federal government will be worse than the current one; while 1.4 out of 10 interviewees believe that between each sexennium there will be no difference [question 1].
In this citizen majority with high expectations about the next government, issues such as the citizen’s consultation to define the cancellation of Mexico’s new international airport (NAIM) -this despite the position of business sectors- have appeared in favor , in addition to the cancellation of pensions to ex mandataries and the promise that no server will earn more than the president of Mexico, whose initiative was approved on Monday by federal legislators.
They expect better panorama
The results of the survey also revealed that 67.98 percent of the Sinaloans believe that this state will fare better during Lopez Obrador’s term. Only 17 percent believe that the future could be the same [question 2].

It should be remembered that this entity was one of the most visited by AMLO during the period in which he was a candidate and then a candidate. His visits included the five main municipalities, and in some, such as Culiacán, he visited several times.
Even on September 17, as president-elect, López Obrador paid a visit to Sinaloa. That day he met with Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel at the Government Palace, where he reaffirmed his commitment to the entity, as he announced that his government will invest 8,734 million pesos as part of the Federal Government’s Social Development Program [ https: / / ].
Nor should we forget that the next president of the Republic is until today the politician who arrives at this position with the greatest citizen support through the ballot box.
Even, Sinaloa is one of the thirty states in which along with Mexico City ran the founder of Morena at the polls. He only lost Guanajuato, favorable to Anaya.
Among the proposals made in the campaign and reaffirmed as president-elect that maintain high expectations in Sinaloa for the next president is the fight against corruption, a strategy that he said will have to pay him 500 billion pesos that will be invested in social programs; a policy of austerity in which it will reduce wages to those at the top and increase them to those at the bottom; double the support for pensions and scholarships of 3,600 pesos per month for young people; besides two universities, one in Cosalá and another in Badiraguato.
The position of the Sinaloans
During the study, subjects that have been mentioned by the next federal government as part of their catalog of promises for which they anticipated the promotion of some reforms since the Congress of the Union, where Morena is the majority both Chambers.
Among these issues is the legalization of drugs, which security analysts see as very likely; l to decriminalization of abortion , where lawmakers warn ample possibilities for approval; besides amnesty as a pacification resource in the country, the permanence of the Army in the streets and the cancellation of the construction work of the new international airport of Mexico, the latter for which a consultation was made, and the cancellation will be a fact to from the arrival of AMLO to the Presidency.

In Sinaloa, a state that bears the stigma of being considered the “birthplace of drug”, the majority of respondents (59.70%) are against the legalization of drugs, only 18.1 percent are in favor of the proposal, and a similar percentage endorses legalization under certain restrictions.
Regarding the decriminalization of abortion, which has generated strong mobilizations at the national level and in Sinaloa, both rejection and support, sampling showed that in Sinaloa 57.93 is against, 16.6 percent in favor; and practically 20 percent also in favor, but under certain restrictions.
Regarding the presence of the Army in the streets, 66 out of every 100 respondents are in favor, only 17 percent against; while in the amnesty proposal, 36.4 percent give their endorsement, 24.1 also approves it, but with restrictions; and only 18 out of 100 interviewees are against it.
Very high expectations
Although the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador begins until December 1, confidence that his performance will be better than that of the outgoing president, Enrique Peña Nieto, is marked as positive (68.18%).
The measurement made by THE DEBATE confirms the high confidence that the citizenship has, which mostly gave the vote on July 1, although it should be noted that the outgoing president has a disapproval, according to Mitofsky in the measurement of last August , of 77 percent, due to emblematic cases of corruption, such as the “White House” and Odebrecht.
Data that also reaffirm this survey are the support and the belief that the promises made in the campaign by AMLO will be fulfilled, among these the fight against corruption, the eradication of privileges among the upper class of politics and the improvement of salaries to those who earn less.
The majority of the Sinaloans, against the legalization of drugs and the decriminalization of abortion
The next federal government has pronounced itself in favor of promoting issues such as the legalization of drugs and the decriminalization of abortion; However, in the recent demographic study, the Sinaloans said they were against both.
Six out of ten respondents are against the legalization of drugs , and 57.9 percent against the decriminalization of abortion. Even in an analysis by municipality in terms of positioning on the legalization of drugs, in the five municipalities that are the subject of this study, rejection is widespread, and in Guasave there is more opposition (68.5%).
The subjects that are endorsed by most of the Sinaloans are the permanence of the military in the streets in preventive tasks, including on October 31, the State Council of Public Safety took advantage of the visit of the next Secretary of Public Safety, Alfonso Durazo, to pose some security needs, among these more personal and better trained, in addition to fairer conditions. And although the cancellation of the work of the new international airport in Mexico seems to be res judicata, almost half of the Sinaloaans surveyed said they were in favor of the work.

The amount of 1015 questionnaires in the face-to-face modality was applied in the municipalities of Sinaloa, Ahome, Culiacan, Guasave, Mazatlan and Salvador Alvarado on the days between October 19 and 27. Its target population was Sinaloan citizens over 18 years of age.
The confirmation of ranges for ages and sex was generated according to the statistics registered by the nominal list of the INE, obtaining age ranges of 18 to 29 years; 30 to 59 and 60 or more, applying in rural and urban areas of the aforementioned municipalities.
The survey has a margin of error of +/- 3%, for a confidence index of 95%.
Source: El Debate
The Mazatlan Post