Researchers of the Climate of Baja California Sur predict that after Tara, a new and powerful hurricane could be formed very close to the coasts of Mazatlan and could be a category two.
According to publications in its social network, this phenomenon would reach Cat five, but it would lose strength as it approaches land.
however, it is only a forecast and how nothing could happen, as colder weather is fast approaching.
Information as it was uploaded on the network “Climate La Paz B. Sur California”
It would be a powerful hurricane that would form in coming days in the Mexican Pacific, the trajectory model locates it entering the land, near Mazatlan, for October 24-25. Jalisco, Nayarit and Sinaloa must be very attentive.
For Baja California Sur the affectation would be for Los Cabos with moderate wind and some light rains. Be attentive to the trajectory forecast updates.
Servicio Meteorológico Nacional
Sources:Rasnoticias, Clima La paz B California Sur, Colectivo pericu