Having trouble obtaining a Mexican drivers license ?

Sonia works with up to ten clients each week to obtain a Guanajuato state driver’s license. Some come from as far as Cuernavaca and Guadalajara since in the states a tourist may not legally obtain a Mexican state driver’s license. In Guanajuato it is legal for a tourist, those with a pre-approved visa from a MX consulate, temporary and permanent residents to do so.

For a Guanajuato state driver’s license an FMM tourist card, preapproved visa from Mexican consulate stamped in your passport, Temporary or Permanent Resident visa card are
acceptable in obtaining a Guanajuato state driver’s license. Motorcycles / ATV / scooters
require a separate license and if you surrender a foreign motorcycle license no test is
required. Cost is 266 p for 2 years, 314 for 3 and 438 for 5 years. Scooters and ATV’s also
require registration, license plate, and helmets. If your license plates are held on in a way as not easily removed such as rivets that is illegal and may result in a fine. You must carry your original vehicle registration called tarjeta de circulacion and proof annual registration fee called “refrendo” is paid.

A medical form needs to be completed. To save you from having to find the correct clinic and sometimes having the wrong form I will take you to a doctor who will complete the medical form, quickly and correctly. You will also be required to know your blood type as it
is noted on your license. However, if 80 or over you must see an optometrist for an eye test including for a license renewal. Cost for 2018 is 532 p for 2 years, 676 pesos for 3 years and 819 for 5 years. You may make payment by credit or debit card at the licensing office. Please allow up to 1.5 hours for the whole process including the completing of the medical
form. A beginner’s license is 550 pesos for cars and 257 for motos. They are available starting at age 15 up to when one turns 18. I process more drivers’ licenses than any individual in San Miguel.
