Fish is part of the cuisine and diet of Mazatlecos but among all fish, there is one that has great flavor (and is a bit more expensive), the Botete is known as fugu in Japan and is famous for being poisonous, here is also known as a pufferfish.
The poison of the Botete or Pufferfish
The Botete has a tetrodotoxin (Lethal Neurotoxin) and care must be taken when cutting the fillets so that this substance does not contaminate the meat. In Japan, anyone who cuts this species of fish goes through a course of at least 2 years while in Sinaloa the fishermen take care of this task that is usually done at the edge of the beach or in fishmongers. In both places, the same care is taken to avoid contaminating the delicious Botete meat.
Eat Botete without worries.
Despite the differences between Japanese and Mexican culture, both chefs and fishermen are equally careful not to pierce the liver where this toxin is found. Their steaks are prepared for breakfast or lunch with garlic sauce, breaded, and fish ceviche.
If you want to try the Botete you can get them in the markets, I buy it at the Juan Carrasco Market but I suggest you go early (before lunch) so that you can buy some Botete steaks that also have a price not so cheap in Sometimes there is very little and a lot of demand for these steaks.
We hope that on your next visit to Mazatlan you will have the opportunity to try this delight of the sea or at least an aguachile that is also very good.
Have you already tried the Botete?