Clandestine grave in the Golden Zone stains the image of Mazatlan: Mayor 


Édgar Augusto González Zataráin indicated that even though clandestine graves generate a bad image for Mazatlán, within all the bad, there is a light of hope for families because they will be able to find their missing relative 

MAZATLÁN._ The clandestine grave located in the Golden Zone last Friday stains the image of Mazatlán, informed the Mayor Édgar Augusto González Zataráin. 

He pointed out that the negative aspects stain any tourist destination, they are situations that, although they occurred for a long time at any time, affect the image of the port of Mazatlan. 

“Always the negative notes, we cannot say no, they always stain a tourist destination, they are already made from yesteryear, they are not recent or they lessen a little more, we are becoming a little more crude in that sense of when they find clandestine graves in many places, like people assimilate that part, I’m not saying it’s okay, nor that we have to get used to it,” said González Zataráin. 

He indicated that even though clandestine graves generate a bad image for Mazatlan, within all the bad, there is a light of hope for families because they will be able to find their missing relative. 

“Among all the bad things, the searchers who lost their children hope to find someone, as long as there is a positive side to it, at least someone who is wanted by their family,” said the Mayor. 

Gonzalez Zataráin stated that since it is a tourist area, where visitors go to have fun, the situation is worrisome and this fact that affects Mazatlecos so much should not be minimized. 

“All this stains a tourist destination or any tourist destination and cannot be minimized, of course not, and it is worrying, it is worrying, obviously we would not want that to happen, at least it is not such a regrettable fact that it happened there, well, At the moment, an action of violence already at least mitigates that issue a little, but it is still a problem, “said the Mayor of Mazatlán. 

Zona Dorada is where the greatest surveillance exists: SSPM 

For his part, the Secretary of Public Security of Mazatlán, Jaime Othoniel Barrón Valdez, commented that the Golden Zone is one of the sectors with the greatest surveillance by municipal patrols, so he does not know when this crime could have occurred, which did not it is recent. 

“There is always security, if they realize it is one of the areas that has more protection due to the fact that tourists come, all sectors are not neglected, but there is greater surveillance in that area,” said Barrón Valdez. 

The police chief pointed out that the Golden Zone is very reinforced and there are not many illegal acts there, there are administrative offenses, most of them related to alcohol, fights are what they attend to the most. In addition, he pointed out that important arrests have been made, there are 28 detainees for firearms in the operation carried out. 

“This is a sign that the police are working, that the police are making arrests, are carrying out inspections, are carrying out patrols throughout the area, we would like there to be no affectation, not one death, unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment, we are working for that”, indicated the Secretary of Public Security of Mazatlán. 

 Source: Noreste