As in Mazatlán, Guasave prepares the first Motorcycle Fair in Las Glorias 


It will be an event with a cause that will take place in November and will have the participation of several clubs in the country. They plan to leave it fixed and that it be of the stature of the “Motorcycle Week”, highlighted the director of Economic Development 

Guasave, Sin. – An event for motorcycle lovers is being prepared in Guasave, which aspires to be as famous and international as the Motorcycle Week in Mazatlán. A party on the beach with music and culture, but in this version with the intention of raising awareness among drivers about the use of helmets and contributing a grain of sand to noble causes, revealed the director of Economic Development, Álvaro González Ibarra. 

     The official explained that it is the “Motorcycle Fair” in Las Glorias, in the La Ensenadita area, an event that is being organized hand in hand with established biker clubs and that are related to others in other states of the country, even in the United States, without a doubt, he said that this will be a detonator for the attraction of tourism. 

So, everything is ready for the month of November, for now they are fine-tuning logistics details to establish the exact date, since the visit of around 500 engines is projected to participate in the first edition, which is intended not to be the only one. 

     “We plan to hold a ‘Motorcycle Fair’ in Las Glorias for November, we have already spoken with the Guasave clubs, and outside of Guasave to make it even an international event, for motorcyclists from the United States to come. The idea is that it be a party and at the same time promote helmet culture, and that it be with a cause. There are many needs in the municipality,” he explained. 

González Ibarra announced that the idea is to do it on the weekend, from Friday to Sunday, with live musical groups, with activities to release turtles, a presentation of Guasave gastronomy and others of interest to biker clubs. 

To do this, the official explained that the Tourism Department is working to put together packages with the city’s hotels and the services available, which are four motels and an Airbnb service. 

 Source: Linea Directa