In March the road circulation of the Emilio Barragán lane could open


The lane is 85% complete, some hydro sanitary pipe interconnections are missing

Mazatlán, Sin.- Almost seven months after the remodeling work on Emilio Barragán avenue began, only 50% overall progress is done, said Rigoberto Arámburo Bojórquez, director of Public Works.

The works are continuing in the traffic lane from south to north, where he explained that different concrete displays have already been made on the slab and there are sections that have already been closed even sidewalk.

The municipal official recalled that this project, in addition to the replacement of the pavement, contemplates the renewal of the plumbing installations.

In this first lane, the progress that has been made is 85% and it is estimated that by the month of March road traffic will be reactivated.

What will happen to the other lane?

At the end of last year, it emerged that the municipality had run out of resources to complete the other lane, with circulation from north to south.

The state governor, Rubén Rocha Moya, said that his administration would contribute the shortfall, since he does not want unfinished works in his government, although it has not yet been specified if the state governor has already made this contribution.

The original investment of this project is 88 million 193 thousand pesos, although it was not detailed how much has been exercised so far.

What was specified that once the work on the second lane begins, it will be faster, since only the concrete will be replaced.

The rehabilitation of Emilio Barragán consists of the renovation of the plumbing infrastructure, storm ducts, the replacement of the pavement, reconstruction of sidewalks and fittings.

The installation of bus stops, benches, garbage cans, cycle ports and public lighting.

The works go from Gutiérrez Nájera avenue to Francisco Villa street, a length of 1,332 linear meters by 21 meters wide and a total of 21,100.88 square meters of pavement.

In addition, 3,853 linear meters of household intakes and 1,217 meters of discharges to the drainage system.
