These are the vaccines that you can find at Mazatlán’s Health Center


Vaccines are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and cater to newborns and seniors.

MAZATLAN.- Due to the pandemic, we have adopted the vaccine against Covid-19… once, twice or even three times we have given it, but there are also other vaccines available that we must seek.  

In the Health Center, there are at least 7 vaccines available for citizens, in addition to the one against Covid-19, which are for everyone, from newborns to older adults.  

hepatitis vaccine 

According to the Pan American Health Organization, the hepatitis B vaccine offers 95-100% protection against hepatitis B; prevention of hepatitis B virus infection prevents the development of complications, such as chronic diseases and liver cancer. It was the first vaccine to prevent cancer. 

For hepatitis A, the vaccine is a single dose, and almost 100 percent of people develop protective levels of antibodies against the virus within 1 month after injection.  

hexavalent vaccine 

This vaccine protects minors against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, Haemophilus influenza, hepatitis B, and poliomyelitis. 

It is applied at 18 months of age and will be administered routinely.  

BCG vaccine 

Bacillus Calmette and Guérin vaccine is a vaccine against tuberculosis disease. This vaccine is not commonly used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and young children in countries where tuberculosis is common. 

rotavirus vaccines 

The Secretary of Health at the Federal level explains that this vaccine protects against new Rotavirus infections, preventing the development of a serious illness, with dehydration and death of minors.  

It is administered by mouth; His vaccination schedule uses the pentavalent vaccine, consisting of 3 doses, the first between 6 and 12 weeks of age. The next is with an interval of at least four weeks between each one. The last one applies before your daughter or son turns 8 months old.  

pneumococcal vaccine 

Two types of vaccines are used to help prevent pneumococcal disease in adults: conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines . Administration of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is recommended for all adults 65 years of age or older and adults 19 through 64 years of age who are at increased risk of developing the pneumococcal disease if they have never received a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine before. 

MMR vaccines 

The MMR or MMR vaccine is made from live attenuated viruses; protects against measles, rubella, and mumps. 

The vaccine is given by injection into the left arm. 

To be protected you need two doses, the first at 12 months of age and the second given at 6 years of age or when entering elementary school. 

DPT vaccine 

The DPT or triple bacterial vaccine contains diphtheria (against Diphtheria) and tetanus (against tetanus) toxoids, as well as protein fragments from the bacterium Bordetella pertussis that causes Pertussis. 

The DPT vaccine protects against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. 

 It is applied to minors by intramuscular injection in the left arm. In our country, it is applied as a booster at 4 years of age in the current vaccination schedule.  

You can find all these vaccines at the Mazatlan Health Center, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You do not need an appointment, they simply give you a card to wait according to the shifts of the people who are already there for their respective doses. 

Source: puntomx

The Mazatlan Post