Everything is used, from garbage trucks, to dump trucks that help keep everything clean and not cause a bad image in the beach destination, says Director of Public Services.
Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – In Mazatlan, the tourist influx generated that in recent weeks there has been an increase of 20 percent in the accumulation of garbage, particularly in the hotel zone, in addition to Avenida del Mar, where crews of workers are served and trucks are available collectors, in order to guarantee a clean image, declared José David Ibarra Olmeda.
The director of Municipal Public Services in Mazatlán, indicated that the rains of the last few hours have not caused major problems, in terms of fallen tree branches, since they are only collecting leaves, for this reason, they also used turning, in order to provide efficient work, taking into account that it is a vacation period.
“If it has been 20 percent, the entire tourist strip has increased, due to the tourism we have had.”
How many tons does that imply?
And how do people and tourists behave?
“We have everything, we don’t have the culture of cleanliness unfortunately so far, no, only palm leaves, nothing that affects us.”
The municipal official stated that the cleaning and garbage collection work is carried out in all sectors of the city; that is to say, the neighborhoods continue to have due attention within the schedules and routes, and the tourist strip has been extended with special crews and schedules, since the number of waste has increased.
Ibarra Olmeda, without specifying amounts, said that where they have had the need they have rented dump trucks to cover the routes in the city and not cause problems for the people of Mazatlan.
Source: lineadirectaportal.com