There are job vacancies in Mazatlan hotels, but there is no one to take them


Mazatlán has been growing to a great extent, but there is a lack of people who work in the job fields that are opening up, recognizes the president of the Association of Hotels and Companies Tres Islas.

MAZATLÁN._ With the growth of tourism that Mazatlán is having, it is becoming difficult to fill the work staff in hotels, recognized José Ramón Manguart Sánchez, president of the Association of Hotels and Companies Tres Islas.

The businessman explained that since the Tianguis Turístico was held in 2018 at the port, the arrival of visitors has been gradually increasing; during the Covid-19 pandemic it slowed down a bit, but since the vaccines began to be applied it increased again, which has caused a lack of staff in many of the hotels in Mazatlan.

“The jobs that are generated in the hotel industry are formal and that leads to social security commitments, Infonavit, Payroll Tax, everything that goes around that. There is a somewhat complicated situation in the recruitment of human resources, precisely because of all this investment issue in Mazatlan, there is a lot of job offer and that has led to the fact that suddenly you are operating with incomplete templates, ”he mentioned.

The lack of employees in the hotels has suffered especially in vacation periods and bridges, which is when there are usually more visitors in Mazatlan.

Manguart Sánchez explained that they hope to attract young employees over time, especially from universities, to fill the demand for jobs required by the hotel sector.

“The reality is that it has been practically a year since we have seen how this issue has increased, and we are going to seek to have a rapprochement with universities precisely on the issue of searching for talent and people who are interested in the tourism sector,” he said.


The Mazatlan Post