Compared to other sun and sand Mexico beach destinations Mazatlan’s real estate and cost of living are still much lower than other popular destinations.
According to Astrid Macías Fregoso, head of the Tourist Assistance and Protection Center (CAPTA) in Mazatlan there is a community of between 10,000 and 12,000 expats.

Mazatlan is one of the most sought-after destinations by tourists, its beautiful landscapes, beaches, tourist attractions, and its rich cuisine are some of the things that characterize it; but it has also become one of the favorite destinations for foreigners looking for a place to live once they retire.

According to Astrid Macías Fregoso, head of the Tourist Assistance and Protection Center, CAPTA, in Mazatlán there is a community of between 10,000 and 12,000 foreigners who normally spend the winter season and return to their countries of origin at the beginning of spring.

This community is made up mostly of Americans and Canadians who, after a while, end up acquiring a residence in the port, a situation that makes them a population that must be cared for and respected in the same way as the locals.

Why do they choose Mazatlan?
Around Mexico, there are hundreds of sun and beach destinations. They are all beautiful, there is no doubt about that, but Mazatlan is one of the few places that has a colonial historic center and a program for the protection of its tourists, in this case, the protection of its foreign community.

The head of CAPTA pointed out that her department is in charge of providing tools, services, and advice, opportunities that other ports do not offer.
“The community that lives here in the city are great ambassadors of what they live here because they choose Mazatlan because in other sun and beach destinations there is no help and support that is provided here, that they feel comfortable with everything What does this city represent?
Macías Fregoso indicated that it is these 12,000 snowbirds who reactivate tourism and the economy of the port, residing only in the winter season, although it is more frequent that their children/relatives stay all year round.

The benefits for the port
For the municipal official, having such a large foreign community opens the doors to businessmen who seek to invest in the port, because this provides them with peace of mind that in Mazatlán they take care of their tourists, causing them to be the unofficial spokespersons that promote Mazatlan.