AMLO puts at risk Mazatlan-Canada USMCA rail corridor

Although this dispute process between the three countries can last up to a year, this could affect the investments that are already being made, delaying the country’s development, said the business sector.

MAZATLAN. – The inner chamber is concerned about the controversy that exists between the United States, Canada, and Mexico over the USMCA, which could affect the country’s development by not complying with the agreements established between the three countries.  

For Fernando Valdez Solano, president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic, COPARMEX, the federal government has to be the spearhead for the generation of clean energy, however, it has always been its “pebble in the shoe”.

“The federal government has to be the spearhead, I started with them, commenting, the issue is clean energy, that is the pebble in the shoe, I think that the issue of power generation we have to change that state policy ”, he declared.  

Not all is lost, he said, because one of the successes in Sinaloa will be the generation of electricity in the Picachos and Santa María dams, through water, adding to other energies such as solar and wind.  

Valdez Solano added that all the projects that are coming, such as the new port of the USMCA corridor, must be supported, leaving aside fossil fuels.  

“There is no longer a single project where fossil fuels are contemplated, everyone is already looking for the generation of sustainable energy, through water, through the wind, through the sun, that is going to lead us to take care of our planet” , said.

The National Chamber of the Transformation Industry, CANACINTRA, called on the federal government to carry out an in-depth analysis of the relevance of these policies within the framework of legality, free competition and the rule of law.

This in response to the recent request to start consultations made by the United States as a dispute resolution mechanism derived from some energy policies adopted by Mexico.  

“We call to resolve the differences that gave rise to the request for consultations within the framework of the T-MEC, prioritizing dialogue and attending to the objectives that were pursued at the time of concluding the multilateral trade agreement, which is to generate a prosperous region. that generates jobs, attracts new investments and promotes the social growth of its peoples”, they reported in a bulletin.  

They expressed that in Mexico more uncertainty is not needed, but more opportunities for industrial potential.

The Mazatlan Post