On Tuesday Sinaloa will require Real Estate agents to be licensed

Only Buy or Sell with a Licensed Real Estate Agent

The main idea, said the president of AMPI Mazatlan, is to reduce the leasing fraud that occurs more in the port during vacation periods.

MAZATLAN.- The Real Estate Law of the State of Sinaloa could be approved this Tuesday in the State Congress, helping the sector to eradicate the bad practices and frauds that have been registered, especially in Mazatlan.  

Roberto Carlos Arellano Osorio, president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals of Mazatlan ( AMPI ), mentioned that Sinaloa would be the 21st state to have this Real Estate Law that, without a doubt, will mark a before and after in the quality of the service towards the investor.  

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“The main objective is to take care of the investments and assets of people who want to invest in the state of Sinaloa and Mazatlan and above all the certification of the advisor who wants to work in this beautiful profession,” he declared.  

The proposal already had a second reading in the plenary, therefore, the president of AMPI in Mazatlan hopes that the decision will be unanimously positive and will go to the Ministry of the Interior to implement it.  

Will there be any difference with the Law?  

Arellano Osorio answered yes, because this Law will make those who engage in bad practices in the sector more evident, because of 100 cases of investment in some real estate development, 25 percent have been fraud, in case they are reported.  

“We have seen bad practices, and fraud because when making an investment they are poorly advised. Of the 100, we speak of 25 percent of fraud, and we would have to be working with that law

We are trying to eradicate it,” he said.  

The builder also invited people who are dedicated to the real estate sector to approach the associations, to get training, advice, and certification in case they have not done so, and thus, provide better service to customers.

Commissions approve to issue Law for the Provision of Real Estate Services of the State of Sinaloa

Deputies and deputies of two commissions meet at a long table to approve an opinion.

Unanimously, the United Commissions of Constitutional Points and the Government and Housing approved an opinion that issues the Law for the Provision of Real Estate Services of the State of Sinaloa.

This law establishes clear rules to be observed in real estate operations, regulate the activity of the providers of these services and grant certainty and legal certainty to the users or clients of the same.

The application and interpretation of this law will correspond to the General Secretariat of the Executive Branch of the State of Sinaloa, which will have nine powers, the first being to receive the applications and, where appropriate, grant the respective license to the real estate agent and register it in the Registry.

The Secretariat through the Directorate of the General Archive of Notaries of the State of Sinaloa will act as a technical support body of the Secretariat, in relation to the application of this law, in accordance with the powers conferred by the respective regulations.

The Directorate of the General Archive of Notaries of the State of Sinaloa will implement the necessary measures so that the public notaries verify, before formalizing any legal act of a real estate nature, that the real estate agent who intervenes in said operations has the registration in registration and license referred to in this law, as appropriate.

Public notaries must give notice to the Secretariat when the verification shows that the real estate agent does not have the registration in the registry and the respective license.

By the Committee on Constitutional Points and the Interior, the opinion was approved by Ambrocio Chávez Chávez, Feliciano Valle Sandoval, Elizabeth Chia Galaviz, José Manuel Luque Rojas and Verónica Guadalupe Bátiz Acosta, president, secretary and members, respectively.

And for the Housing Commission it was approved by Giovanna Morachis Paperini, Concepción Zazueta Castro, Marco César Almaral Rodríguez and Felicita Pompa Robles, secretary and members, respectively of the Commission.

Deputies and deputies working on Commissions approved an initiative to issue the Law for the Provision of Real Estate Services of the State of Sinaloa, presented by citizens Maricela Castro Carrillo, Erick Alexiss Serrano Gambino.

Also presented by Roberto Carlos Arellano Osorio, Manuel Antonio Castillo Camacho, Carlos Eduardo Retamoza Ochoa, Rosa Delma Delgado Gómez, Salvador Padilla Castillo, Luis Óscar Orozco Gómez and Guillermo Polo Álvarez.

The State Registry of Real Estate Agents of the State of Sinaloa is created in order to record the registration of real estate agents, as well as the renewal of their registration.

The Registry will be public, so that any person may consult the information contained therein, complying with the terms of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Obliged Subjects of the State of Sinaloa.

The Secretariat will manage and take the appropriate measures to ensure that the Registry is available for consultation by electronic means.

Associations and real estate companies must request all persons who could carry out a real estate brokerage on their behalf, have a valid license.

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The Secretariat may carry out verification visits to real estate agents, as well as to persons who claim to be such without being so, in order to verify compliance with the requirements to operate in the State, as well as compliance with all the provisions established by this law.

Once approved by the Plenary, this law will enter into force sixty days after its publication in the Official Newspaper “El Estado de Sinaloa”.

Ampi Mexico NAR Realtor

Source: congresosinaloa.gob.mx, realestatemarket.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post