An agreement was signed that establishes schedules and what is the maximum noise level.
MAZATLAN. – The Association of Guides and Pulmonias of Mazatlán were trained by the National Polytechnic Institute to promote sustainable tourism which commits them to caring for the environment and local cultures, trying to reduce the impact on them.
And one of the main actions is to avoid the noise pollution that afflicts the different neighborhoods of the port, for which they have promised to respect and promote the designated decibels within the residential areas and communities of Mazatlan, especially the tourist strip. The area where most complaints and reports are filed during the holiday season.
Respecting the agreement that modified numeral 5.4 of the official Mexican standard NOM-081-SEMARNAT-1994, where the maximum permissible limits of noise emission from fixed sources and their measurement method are as follows:
In the residential area (outdoors) the hours will be from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. with a maximum decibel limit between 50 and 55. The industrial and commercial areas will have the same hours the maximum limit will be 65 and 68; while schools (outdoor play areas) will be only 55.
Likewise, the different associations, unions, cooperatives and the entire society were invited to join in the acoustic “decontamination” and preservation of the different residential areas and tourist areas of Mazatlan.
The agreement was signed by Juan Alfonso Mendoza Soberanes, president and legal representative of the association of GUÍAS and PULMONÍAS SCL, by Ana Inés Rivas Salas, member and founding member of the Mazatlán Historical Center Neighborhood Association, and by Santos Joel Cañedo Rodríguez, president of the Colon Association of the Sábalo Country Club subdivision.