I ignore pseudo-leaders; the country is not governed, says Derbez about AMLO


Eugenio Derbez affirmed that AMLO is a pseudo-president so he ignores his criticism and regretted that the country is not governed.

The actor Eugenio Derbez launched himself against President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom he called a “pseudo-governor” after the president criticized a group of celebrities opposed to the construction of Section 5 of the Mayan Train and whom he accused of supporting groups of vested interests just for money.

In an interview with Joaquín López-Dóriga on Radio Formula, the actor stated that he feels that the country is not governed and in view of this he has joined a group of free citizens who seek to stop the destruction of the jungle in southern Mexico with this emblematic work of the government.

“The first thing I’m going to tell you, Joaquín, is that I don’t pay much attention to it because you don’t have to pay much attention to the pseudo-governors, because the country doesn’t feel governed. What I can tell you is that we are simply a group of citizen volunteers, “launched the actor.

A few days ago, President López Obrador reiterated that artists such as Eugenio Derbez or Rubén Albarrán, who released a video in support of a campaign against deforestation by the Mayan Train in the south of the country, are uninformed and act dishonestly.

The president considered, without generalizing, that said celebrities do not have a true environmentalist vocation and in most cases, they do it for money and fame.

“These people, I don’t want to be strict, I don’t want to be radical, I don’t want to offend them either, but I don’t feel that they have a truly ecological vocation, it’s more for money because they are against us, they have conservative thinking,” he said.

In this regard, Derbez stated that at the height of his career he would not lend himself to participating in campaigns in exchange for money while denying that he was a member of any political party.

“It already seems that at this point in my career I will have to sell myself for a few pesos,” he said.

“I am not from the PRI, I am not from the PAN, I am not from the PRD, I am not from any party, my only party is my country,” he asserted.

In January 2021, the Assembly of Defenders of the Maya Múuch’ Xíinbal Territory filed an injunction for what it considered to be violations by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) and Fonatur of the right to a healthy environment and information and participation. about the territorial implications that the construction of the Mayan Train would have in their communities.

On March 9, 2022, the Collegiate Court on Labor and Administrative Matters of the Fourteenth Circuit determined the definitive suspension of the MIA and the construction works of the train, after a challenge by Semarnat and the General Directorate of Impact and Environmental Risk (DGIRA).

No to the Mayan Train over the cenotes and caves of Quintana Roo, change.org

Mexico Daily Post