They estimate Mazatlán will have profits of 200 million pesos thanks to the long weekend holiday


These days generate mobility and tourist presence not only in the port but in the rest of Sinaloa.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- An economic spill of 200 million pesos, is the estimate that this long weekend generates in Mazatlán due to the influx of tourists who enjoy the weather and the places, in addition to the fact that Sinaloa also registered mobility in various areas reported Miguel Hernández Fonseca.

The president of the Federation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism in Sinaloa, indicated that areas in the north of the state, such as the Maviri beach, or in Guasave in Las Glorias, are points of distraction for families, which generates economic benefits for the region.

“Without a doubt, another very important long weekend and for the tourist economy and for the servers for those who are here in Mazatlan, we make a forecast of over 200 million pesos, we have an occupation of up to 90 percent in the long weekend in hotel occupancy is not only Mazatlan, but because it is a bridge, Sinaloa also generates tourism”.

Hernández Fonseca indicated that the proximity to the port of Mazatlán causes people to travel for a few days and make their reservations at hotels, or go to the beach area for a few hours and this also reactivates the work in the same restaurants.


The Mazatlan Post