Sinaloa exceeds teen pregnancy rates


The state exceeds the percentage of the national average for pregnancies in women under 15 years of age by two points, Tere Guerra acknowledged.

Pregnancy in girls under 15 years of age is a problem that in recent years has maintained an upward trend in Sinaloa, recognized the Secretary for Women, Teresa Guerra Ochoa.

The state official commented that, at the national level, teenage pregnancy is 3 percent, however, she said, in the case of Sinaloa, it exceeds 5 percent.

“The state of Sinaloa, in the average of pregnancies, is 5 percent, at that level, almost doubling the national average, this is a statistic that should be taken care of, we are talking about 15 years and below and we may be talking about girls of 14 years old,” she said.

She explained that pregnancy in adolescents and girls under 15 years of age, in many cases ends in dysfunctional marriages where family violence is unleashed, which can end in femicide.

In this sense, she pointed out that, within the framework of March 8, international women’s day, SeMujeres, in coordination with the state Dif system and the Ministry of Health, will sign an agreement in order to contribute to the prevention and sexual education efforts.

“We need work on prevention,” she concluded.


The Mazatlan Post