Letter to the Public and Mazatlan officials; Garbage in tourist areas of Mazatlan

The citizen Alejandro Ramírez calls on the neighbors and the authorities to respect the public space in which both locals and tourists coexist.

Dear officials of the H. City Hall of Mazatlan and the State of Sinaloa.

As a citizen concerned about the improvement of this city and port of Mazatlan, with all due respect, I send you some photographs taken on the 21st of this month and year, in which the conditions in what has become one of the main avenues of the city through which local citizens, national and foreign tourists travel every day, as well as those who arrive on cruise ships that arrive at the port. It is the section of the av. Emilio Barragán, between the pier to Isla de la Piedra and the access to the Mazatlán Maritime Terminal, said section just in front of the facilities of the Fourth Naval Zone of the Secretary of the Navy.

Se topan turistas de crucero con basura en pleno Centro de Mazatlán

These dirty conditions were not seen long ago, the median of said avenue has been taken as a dump for garbage, waste, rubble, etc., giving that terrible and unfortunate image.

Fallan los servicios públicos en las colonias populares de Mazatlán

This section is a very popular point for tourists who cross to the Isla de la Piedra, as well as for passengers who get off the cruise ships and take them to the different tours and who later return to get on the ship, these are also part of the images that are kept as a souvenir.

Why has it been allowed?

Why has it been tolerated?

Why have you been so lazy?

Is this how Mazatlan is presumed?

Is this how you want to bring European tourism?

Is this how you want to host the meeting of the Florida and Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA)?

dejan su basura en las playas

It is not about collecting the garbage from there more often, but about not throwing it on the median, they must find a solution to this problem that has been allowed to grow, hopefully, they can solve it soon since this can be replicated in other areas as has already been seen (garbage) in the median of av. Miguel Alemán, in front of the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, in addition to being an affront and lack of respect for the facilities of the Fourth Naval Zone. 


Alexander Ramirez.

The Mazatlan Post