Mazatlan noise regulation must be applied to all say pulmonia drivers


Ortega Vizcarra explained that noise pollution does not only come from the hand of pulmonias or aurigas, since buildings, bars and clubs, for example, produce more noise than they should

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The issue of regulation in the allowed decibels of music on board units could harm carriers, since tourists who visit Mazatlán come “to walk, to have fun,” said Mariano Ortega Vizcarra, leader of the Cooperativa de Pulmonías del Puerto.

The transport leader confessed to Informative Reaction that there are even groups on social networks in which people express disagreement with the measures taken by the authorities so that in the long run this could give problems to the union members.

“I think that if it is going to affect because there are even groups; on Facebook, on WhatsApp, where charters and others are commenting on this issue, they don’t understand this issue of sound, Mazatlán is a tourist destination, people come here to walk, to have fun (…) that situation if you can understand it ”, he said.

“I think that if there will be an affectation at any given time. I do not know to what extent we are going to reach that issue, I do not know if this has to be discussed but with a very broad criterion, because the issue of sound that we bring in the units, in the pulmonias, in the aurigas or in the safaris ” , Held.

Ortega Vizcarra explained that noise pollution does not only come from pulmonias or aurigas, since buildings, bars, and clubs, for example, produce more noise than they should.

“The issue of noise pollution is everything; The machines working, it’s the one in the bars, the discos, the restaurants. How do you say to one of a band, ‘blow it slower’ because you have exceeded decibels? ”, he concluded with an air of disagreement.


The Mazatlan Post