Mazatlán.- The Plenary of the Cabildo “City Council” presented the 2021 “Professor Agustina Monterde Lafarga” Award for Female Merit, to Mrs. Marisol Lizárraga Lizárraga, for her invaluable work as a rural teacher and her work in favor of the education of the families of the community of La Noria.
In the Solemn Session that took place this Tuesday, Mayor Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres presented the medal on behalf of the people of Mazatlán and highlighted the great spirit of service of the honoree, who for 20 years has offered reading workshops, painting, and writing, in the receivership of La Noria.
“For his outstanding and unconditional social and humanitarian work for vulnerable groups, his courage and his great sensitivity focused on achieving an integral culture of our society,” said the mayor.
For her part, Marisol Lizárraga appreciated the recognition of the collegiate body and said she felt even more committed to those who are part of society.

“I feel like I am very committed to continue working especially in this part in the promotion of reading, to continue working to everything that gives here with the La Noria project, which I think has encouraged me more,” she added.
The Mazatlan Post