Mazatlán will have its own Day of the Dead parade: here are the details


Metamorphosis, Myths and Legends of Mexico

The scary tour inside the Angela Peralta Theater is back and the best thing is, access will be free

MAZATLÁN.- Do you like catrinas, alebrijes, and everything related to the Day of the Dead? So get ready because Cultura Mazatlán brought from the land of the dead its journey of fear into the Angela Peralta Theater

On the occasion of the celebrations of November 1 and 2, Cultura de Mazatlán will be presenting the show “Metamorphosis, Myths and Legends of Mexico”.

Photo: Rosina Grave

The director of the institute, José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, explained that it is planned to have a cultural show that honors one of the oldest and most characteristic traditions of our country: the Day of the Dead.

He revealed that not only will a scary tour type show be offered, but for the first time there will be a parade through Olas Altas so that Mazatlan people and tourists can enjoy a complete show.

The show inside the Angela Peralta Theater will begin at 7:00 p.m., and the tour inside will last approximately 20 minutes.

The parade will begin at 8:00 p.m. and people will be able to enter through the main access that will be located on Zaragoza avenue and a secondary access through Sixto Osuna street.

It is important to mention that the entrance to both events will be with ticketing, in the Olas Altas parade only a capacity of 15 thousand people will be allowed.

To enter the parade area, people will be able to purchase their free complimentary tickets at the aforementioned entrances.

Tostado Quevedo explained that the traditional callejoneada did not disappear, much less was it eliminated, expressed that simply due to pandemic reasons it is impossible to carry it out as usual.

“I want to make it clear to you that the Callejoneada did not disappear, this year it cannot be performed and the parade came to replace it, but the Callejoneada continues,” he added.

When it will be?

The appointment is November 02

The Angela Peralta theater event will be at 7:00 p.m. Access is free but limited

The parade will be at 8:00 p.m. in Olas Altas. Access is free but limited.

Where can I get the tickets?

Tickets for the parade in Olas Altas will be obtained the same day of the event, at the access points of Zaragoza and Sixto Osuna avenues, which will be open before 7:00 p.m.

Entry will be limited to 15,000 people.

The Mazatlan Post