It is expected that by 2023, the cruise ships will arrive in a new area, safer and more attractive to the sight of locals and foreigners, said Luis Terán Tirado, Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlán
MAZATLÁN.- Many times we have read that Mazatlán will have a new port, which is going to be remodeled and an endless number of statements that have only remained in the speech, however, this last time it is not like that, it is a fact that has already been let’s do it.
And although it will not be a total remodeling of what you know as the Comprehensive Port Administration, it will have a new cruise terminal, the only one of its kind in the country and attractive, not only for boat tourism but also for you as a local.
Luis Terán Tirado, secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlán, reported that they are already in the dredging stage in the area of the new dock, that is, in the area of ferries and the Ferry, ensuring that the resources of the Federal Government They are ready to start with the work in January 2022.
“The resources are already there, they are dredging and the work is going to begin, this is a fact and it will be beautiful. It will give it a totally different face, because not only does that work come, the lighthouse work will come, the treatment plant will be removed and it will be a work that was needed ”, he declared.
How much will it cost?
The municipal secretary pointed out that there is talk of a resource of approximately 400 million pesos for both areas, the cruise area and the lighthouse area; Since the end of 2020, the API maintains Public Tender No. LO-009J2T002-E18-2020, called “Soil mechanics for dredging in the docks of ciaboga, cruise ship dock, and ferry berth”.
This tender appears in an “active” state, that is, it is in the process of, being the company Supervisiones Técnicas y Control de Calidad SA de CV which is only working on dredging with an authorized budget of 1 million 485 thousand 974 pesos.
Although the start date was set for those same months, the dredging was delayed, due to the same Covid-19 pandemic, hoping to end the dredging in December.
What difference will there be? Here we tell you
Terán Tirado, explained that it will have nothing to do with what is currently the cruise entrance, it will be a whole open esplanade so that locals can enter, know up to certain boundaries, go to a restaurant and spend an afternoon with the panoramic view of the cruises deliver us.
“They are more practical accesses, less dangerous for passengers, there will be an area of bars, restaurants and others, people who will be able to enter to see the cruise ships closer, will be able to go to consume, up to certain areas delimited by immigration and customs,” he said. .
The secretary estimated that by the middle of 2023 the complete work will be completed, along with a park area that will be at the foot of the hill of the crestón, right where the water treatment plant is.
The expansion and remodeling project of a port dates from 2017, as a commitment of former president Enrique Peña Nieto.
At that time there was talk of dredging of approximately 1,300,000 cubic meters, with a depth dimension of 15.24 meters and a width of 150 meters with a length of 2.5 kilometers, all in the navigation channel.
Said executive project was already in place, it was tendered at least twice, estimating that the first stage of the project would be completed in mid-2018, however, none of this could be carried out and it was inherited to several directors of the Integral Port Administration.
It was until 2020 that the project was resumed but in a smaller dimension and only for one sector, separating the cargo ship area from the tourist area.