Anti-vaccination group protest in Mazatlan to stop forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID-19


At the monument to the family, they appeared to publicize information on the consequences that vaccination is already affecting the health of some people.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – Members of the organization Humano Consciente Sinaloa carried out a campaign to socialize the position they maintain against the forced vaccination of people, although it has been promulgated by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that this process must be voluntary.

María de Lourdes Sanjuán Gallardo, a member of the association, mentioned that there are various studies by universities around the world that have shown that the application of the vaccine generates various conditions among people, especially in adolescents between 12 and 17 years old, regarding the next start of registration for young people of this age in Mexico.

Anti-vaccination group calls in Mazatlan to stop forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID-19

“What we want with this type of movement is to make the citizens aware that they are informed, that they look for other types of unofficial information about the damages and consequences that vaccination can bring and above all that they know their legal and human rights.”

Anti-vaccination group calls in Mazatlan to stop forcing people to get vaccinated against COVID-19

He mentioned that, although vaccination has been promoted as voluntary, in the sources of employment, employees have been forced to present certificates, likewise, the educational authorities themselves promote the application of the dose, even when the human rights of deciding are violated. on your body.

According to the data obtained by researcher Karina Acevedo from the University of Querétaro who shared in the United States, 1 out of every thousand people has generated adverse reactions such as coagulopathies, myocarditis, thrombosis, and even death; That is why they are seeking to also adopt an alternative treatment approved by the World Health Organization.

Grupo antivacunas pide en Mazatlán que dejen de obligar a la gente a vacunarse contra el COVID-19

Cities such as Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey, and Tijuana carry out demonstrations similar to those that took place this Sunday at the monument to the family, where the anti-vaccination group promotes that it is consciously how people decide whether to get vaccinated. or not, they also questioned Who responds to side effects?


The Mazatlan Post