Starting today afternoon, the liquid will reach the plant in increasing quantities, which will allow to increase the production of the water treatment plant and gradually send more water to the city, which for a week has been losing supply due to the irrigation canal break
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- At 2:30 in the afternoon of this Monday, the National Water Commission and Jumapam concluded the placement of the pipeline that will connect dams 3 and 4 of the irrigation canal of the Dam Derivadora de Siqueros, which will bring water back to the Los Horcones water treatment plant.
Starting today afternoon, the liquid will reach the plant in increasing quantities, which will allow the production of the water treatment plant to increase and gradually send more water to the city, which for a week has been losing supply due to the irrigation canal breakage.

“At 2:30 in the afternoon on Monday, we began to roll water (through the irrigation canal that supplies the Los Horcones Water Treatment Plant); The repair was completed, five 20-inch pipes were inserted and the water will begin to circulate through them ”, stated Luis Gerardo Núñez Gutiérrez, General Manager of Jumapam.
The official acknowledged that since the canal was damaged Conagua’s infrastructure, it had to carry out the repair, even so, Jumapam has been giving all its support to the institution since the canal was broken, in order to carry out the emerging work, with which The water supply will be done while the definitive repair is carried out.
The Mazatlan Post