Vertical towers affect residents of Los Pinos in Mazatlán


They claim for the already insufficient services of electricity, water and drainage, in addition to irregularities in the constructions

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- What was a quiet neighborhood with architectural harmony has been forgotten, say residents of the Los Pinos settlementnow there is insufficient electricity, water, drainage, and even public security services, as a result of the large construction of departmental towers in the area.

Last week, canvases with the following legend began to be placed in several homes in the settlement: ” Neighbors de Los Pinos, united, we demand for already insufficient electricity, water and drainage services. No more towers or restaurants.”

The settlers say that electricity, water and drainage services are already insufficient in the area. 

Today there are at least two condo towers completed and another three under construction. The most recent work began two weeks ago on Paseo Claussen and Jabonería, which has generated discomfort and annoyance among the settlers.

“From 6:00 in the morning they start drilling and sometimes they last until 8:00 at night with those drilling machines, it seems very unfair to me that being inside a colony in your house you have that suffering and you walk with the anguish that they rob you, because they are pure strangers, and so we will be at least two or three years, “ said Mrs. Bertha.

Layers of dust in their homes are more and more frequent, thefts have been reported in neighboring houses where there is currently some type of construction or demolition, the drainage network is constantly clogged and there are continuous power outages.

Neighbors say they have already approached the municipal authorities, through Planning, for all the irregularities that are being committed and especially for the violation of their rights as settlers.

“What we ask is that our land use is returned to us. Our parents bought with land use that should not change and they changed it in 2000 for the convenience of all government developers,” said Teté, another affected neighbor.

He added that on several occasions they made a request to Transparency: the construction permit, but only the demolition permit was thrown at them. Also, those 10 trees were felled at the site.

As much as Planning says that they are single houses, that they are going to seize for the property, it is not fair that they pass through the rights of those who already live here.


The neighbors do not oppose the growth of Mazatlán, they simply ask and demand that it be done in the appropriate areas, because being this a neighborhood, the large towers of more than 10 floors break the balance and visually pollute, in addition to blocking the view towards the sea.

They do not respect the schedules, they do not have protection protocols for others and apart from that, they will cover our entire view.


He added that the area was one of the favorites of retired Canadians and Americans who came to the port to spend long periods of time and that for some time now they have decided to leave, due to the chaos and disorder that this type of construction is generating.

Neighbors experienced the same situation during the construction of the Boca del Cielo tower, located on the corner of Fortín, for three years.


Meanwhile, Jorge Estavillo Kelly, director of Planning and Urban Development, assured that to date he has not had any report or complaint from the sector.

“Urban Development is not the instance to say that it cannot, for these projects it includes feasibility of services, where it says that it is viable, then, there is no reason to stop development. As long as the projects comply, they will continue to be authorized”, he assured.

Faced with the questioning of the visual imbalance caused by the large towers in this residential area, he compared the Los Pinos neighborhood with the Cerritos settlement.

“There is the Riu. Does it cause visual pollution? It is the same, it is a coastal area, it is an area of ​​potential development, everything is changing, everything is being beautified,” he said.


Real estate development in Mazatlán will continue for several more years. Currently, only on Cruz Lizárraga Avenue, one block from the Malecón, there are around 10 condominium towers under construction and it is estimated that during 2021 growth will continue, since there are 100 developments in process, both vertical and horizontal in various areas of the city, with an investment of approximately 2 billion pesos.

The president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals of Mazatlán, Roberto Arellano, highlighted that they work with the municipal Planning department, IMPLAN and the intercamaral to take care of the order of the growth that is taking place in the city.

We have to take care of order, the water and the drainage infrastructure. We have about 100 developments in the process along Avenida Del Mar, Zona Dorada, and Cerritos.

Roberto Arellano


The Mazatlan Post