Museum of Mayan Architecture “Baluarte de la Soledad” reopens its doors in Campeche

Due to the pandemic, it remained closed for nine months.

The properties that function as museums or spaces for exhibitions and that are in charge of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Campeche continue to reopen to the public due to the current holiday season: this Tuesday the Museum of Mayan Architecture Baluarte de la Soledad, located in the Historic Center of the state capital, received its first visitors in more than eight months.  

Baluarte de la Soledad Museum (Archive)

Previously Calakmul, Edzná, and the museums of Mayan Architecture in Fuerte San Miguel and in the municipality of Hecelchakán, as well as the underwater museum in the Fuerte San José, also reopened their doors.

Strengthening tourism promotion strategies, in coordination with the delegate of the INAH Campeche Center, Adriana Velázquez Morlet, the head of the Tourism Secretariat (Sectur), Jorge Enrique Manos Esparragoza, reopened the Museum of Mayan Architecture in the Baluarte de la Soledad.  

After being closed for nine months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum of Mayan Architecture opened its doors to the public in order to show the beauty of its unique pieces exhibited including the Jade de Calakmul mask; With this opening, the four museums of the INAH Network in Campeche are operating to offer the visitor their tourist offer during their stay in the State.

In his speech, Manos Esparragoza commented that “Campeche is on a Green Traffic Light, but we must not lower our guard during the holiday period. It is important to continue with all sanitary measures ”; likewise, he invited tourists and citizens to use the mask and be very responsible.

Baluarte de la Soledad Museum (Archive)

The only museums in the entity that remain closed are those run by the Campeche City Council, such as the History Museum installed in the San Pedro Bastion and some run by the Ministry of Tourism.

Source: La Jornada Maya

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