In Mexico, almost 26 million women do not have their own income


Of the women who have jobs, only 6% earn more than 12,000 pesos a month, according to the association Acción Ciudadana Frente a la Pobreza.

About 26 million women do not have their own income in Mexico and only 4 out of 10 women have access to the job market, the civil association Acción Ciudadana Frente a la Pobreza indicated this Monday.

In addition, he pointed out that only 6% of working women earn more than 12,000 pesos a month (about $ 596), while 7 out of 10 cannot buy the basics with their work income.

In an analysis that describes the situation of women in the labor market, within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is commemorated on November 25, the organization pointed out that the social allocation of home care and the family “has condemned the woman to be dependent because she has no income and remains at home to perform domestic tasks.”

Among others, to take care of children, the sick, the disabled, or the elderly, “tasks that are not paid or socially recognized

The document pointed out that, in addition to exclusion from the labor market, “the majority of women who do manage to work, do so in precarious conditions ” with low wages (72%), without social security (62%), without a contract stable, on rigid schedules, and without defense or union representation.

The states where there are more women without sufficient work income to support a family are Chiapas (79%), Puebla (76%), Guerrero (75%), Morelos (75%) and Oaxaca (74%).

“Without considering the double shift they work, on average, women should work 13.5-month years to earn the same as men and 14-month years to cover the cost of the basic food basket for two people,” the report said.

Alarming situation

He pointed out that “the alarming situation of women in the labor market, victims of the violence that characterize this era, has been aggravated by the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic” and reported higher mortality among housewives. “

Faced with this scenario, the organization proposed “a model of substantive equality that enables new social, economic and political relations, and that contributes to an inclusive economy.”

The proposal includes the design of a national care system that encourages women to exercise their rights, have their time, and advance towards achieving their economic autonomy.

Regarding economic and social exclusion, the analysis pointed out that some 17 million women cannot work “because they assume a gender role historically and socially imposed”.

He pointed out that the participation of women in the labor market is only 43%, men have a participation of 74% and unemployment affects more women (17.5%) than men (8.5%).


Mexico Daily Post