AMLO and the full power of the state against his political “adversaries”


After exhibiting a report at his morning conference, AMLO said he would investigate the financing of Mexicans Against Corruption.

MEXICO CITY (Times Media Mexico) – Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador showed a magazine report at his morning conference. 

Assuring that it is not an act of censorship, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that the financing of the organization Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) would be investigated since -he accused- it is financed by “very powerful businessmen,” who do not pay taxes. 

“These businessmen come here and contribute millions of pesos, and this foundation is dedicated to fighting us, to attacking us. It is the foundation that presented more than 100 petitions against the Santa Lucia airport, and those who are financing it are very powerful businessmen. I hope that they will clarify if it is true that they are giving this money and how it is deducted from taxes. 

“We have to check if it is legal because this money does not go into the public budget if they do not have the authorization to give it to this association. And there must be others. So, yes, we are going to do a review, and here we are going to clarify what they are contributing,” said the President. 

In a press conference, López Obrador said that MCCI and its founder, Claudio X. González, whom he described as “our adversary,” are dedicated to fighting and attacking his government. 

“Mr. Claudio X. González, who is our adversary, is the son of Claudio X. González, who was an advisor to Salinas and continued to have a lot of influence with Zedillo, with Fox, with Calderón, with Peña Nieto. His father recommended to Peña that he double his gasoline, and Peña listened to him, so they have a lot of influence. Claudio X. Gonzalez Jr. formed a group from the 15th and was against the teachers, in favor of the so-called education reform. He financed propaganda against the teachers, against public education, because of course, he has a conservative thought,” expressed Lopez Obrador. 

“Now it is known that his foundation, his group, is financed by big businessmen, from 2015, from 2016, businessmen, and I want to see that, and hopefully it will not be interpreted as censorship, but they are businessmen who deduct taxes, who do not pay taxes because they destine resources to foundations like Claudio’s,” the President accused. 

The Proceso magazine report indicates that from June 18 to December 31, 2016, they received 97 million pesos for a total of 136 million in donations.

“According to reports, 73 million in 2017, 60 million in 2018, 73 million in 2019. ” AMLO said.

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 05ABRIL2020.- Alejandro Esquer Verdugo, personal assistant and secretary of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (PHOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

AMLO’s private secretary to be investigated

After the newspaper EL UNIVERSAL revealed this Monday, Alejandro Esquer Verdugo, the private secretary of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, paid in the 2018 elections to companies that the Tax Administration Service (SAT) declared as ghost companies, the President called for an investigation to clarify these contracts.

In the press conference at the National Palace, Lopez Obrador informed that he was unaware of these payments and stated that what was reported on Monday is “part of the campaign against them. “There is no problem, let it be investigated, let it be clarified,” he declared. “It is part of the campaign to discredit our government. It comes from these filthy rags, both Junco, the owner of Reforma, and Ealy Ortiz, the owner of EL UNIVERSAL, are the moral or spiritual leaders of Frenaaa 1 and Frenaaa 2. 

“They do not want to come and face me. It is a campaign against me, their idol is Salinas -the former president- They don´t like us, they are against us”. 

Source: The Yucatan Times

Mexico Daily Post